
Ramblin' Rose

The Ramblin' Rose Bus, a ministry sponsored by Effingham Catholic Charities, will travel to towns in the seven-county area this summer to deliver school supplies and clothing. The program is designed to provide assistance to families with limited financial means, who qualify for free or reduced school lunches.  Children (K-12) may receive needed items, which include a backpack and other basic supplies. School clothing is available from the bus, or families may choose to receive a voucher and shop for their clothing at Second Hand Rose Resale Shoppe in the Effingham Catholic Charities building on East Fayette.

Effingham Catholic Charities provides services to these counties: Clark, Crawford, Cumberland, Effingham, Fayette, Jasper & Shelby.  For more information, contact Effingham Catholic Charities at 217-857-1482.

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